Attaining and Keeping a Healthy Weight

Weight control entails lifetime effort. Research shows that an individuals’ strategy to lose weight is also the same for keeping the weight off. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a tough job. If there were effortless methods to lose weight, there wouldn’t be fat people in the world. But unfortunately, no such method exists. Permanent weight loss involves lifelong effort.

It is vital to maintain healthy eating habits and pick the right foods to eat. While there is no perfect mean plan or eating pattern, you can still lose and maintain your ideal weight by eating moderate sized meals on a day to day basis. Some feel comfortable eating heavy breakfast and light dinner, some can do with light breakfast and heavy lunch or dinner. The secret to losing weight is to eat a balanced diet.

You can base your meals on these food groups:


Fruits contain very few calories, low in sodium and fat. They’re a great source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and a host of compounds that are healthy for our body. Fruit rich diets are found to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancers. Eating fruits can help you control your weight.


Vegetables are low in sodium, cholesterol-free and have the same nutrients and benefits as fruits. When you eat vegetables, your body gets the amount of protein it needs and less carbohydrates compared to a plate of fruits.


Pick good grains such as quinoa, wild rice, barley, faro or millet over the usual oats and wheat. Whole grain rich diet is filling, so it helps you eat less and lose weight. They’re an excellent source of fiber, B vitamins, iron and magnesium.


Dairy foods are rich in protein, calcium; potassium and vitamin D. Choose the fat-free and low-fat kind, so you can keep your calories down. Dairy goods helps improve bone health and reduces risks of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


Protein foods include poultry, seafood, beef, pork, lamb, eggs, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, and processed soy products such as tofu. These foods are important sources of vitamins and minerals, omega-3 fatty acids from some fish and a host of phytochemicals for optimum health. For weight loss purposes, choose lean meat. Instead of frying, it is best to cook them without oil such as broiling, baking or stewing.


Always drink enough water. If you are drinking milk, choose skim or low-fat milk. Stay away from carbonated and sugary drinks.

Smart Diet

With a smart diet, there is no reason why you can’t attain and maintain your ideal weight. Start by making small changes first to your usual daily diet then gradually trim portions. When you’re already comfortable with your new way of eating, you can start doubling-up on fresh greens and fruits. You can achieve your dream of being in a good physical shape by following any of the mentioned eating plans.

The other half of the equation is the amount of physical activity, which consists of both exercise and daily activities at home or work. Exercises add up to your diet plan in helping you lose and maintain your weight.



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