How Compression Gear Works: Preventing Soreness in Athletes

How Compression Gear Works

The question of "How compression gear works" has been popular ever since new and improved products began to make their way into the market. In the medical field, compression clothing has been used for years to assist in recovery and rehabilitation. The medical-grade compression gear that you might find in a hospital is very similar to some of the high-end products available on the market today, and is made of a blend of nylon and spandex.

The point of compression garments is to offer assistance with circulation and support, which is why when you buy a calf compression sleeve, you'll find that it's stretchable, but tight enough to maintain a specific structure. No longer exclusive to the medical field, compression gear was adopted into the mainstream market when studies found that the garments could reduce muscle soreness when worn during, and after heavy exercise. In other words - compression gear makes your workout easier.

How Compression Gear Works

For many people, simply knowing that compression clothing can be helpful isn't enough to prompt an investment - instead, they want to know how compression gear works, and what science is involved in producing positive results.

In simple terms, compression garments are designed to apply graduated pressure to parts of the body. In the case of a calf compression sleeve, the garment constricts the muscle, supports the underlying tissue, and generates an anti-gravity force which helps to push blood up from the bottom of your calves, back up towards your heart. Through this system of graduated compression, the right gear can decrease pressure and swelling, as well as helping to get rid of excess lactic acid in the muscles.

Why Wear Compression Gear?

Knowing how compression gear works is useful in understanding why it has become so popular amongst athletes today - particularly runners and those involved in cardio-based sports. With compression technology, athletes can push their bodies to achieve greater goals, in the knowledge that they will suffer from less soreness, and faster recoveries.

Recent research into athletes has begun to show that compression garments could even provide ergogenic benefits during exercise, by positively influencing various psychological factors, and reducing muscle oscillation.

Choosing Compression Gear

Compression gear can be a great solution for athletes, so long as they know how to use it properly. However, it's important to note that caution should be taken when it comes to choosing the right compression garment for your needs. People who are new to the concept of compression wear often find that they struggle to choose garments that offer the right degree of pressure, as it can be difficult to determine the fine line between too tight, and not tight enough.

In general, your aim should be to select a compression garment that provides enough pressure to promote circulation and support, but to avoid sleeves and other solutions that cause discomfort. Most modern brands of compression wear provide sizing assistance, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully when measuring for your new garment.


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