Quick and Simple Home Remedies for Knee Problems and Injuries

Knee Problems

The road to recovery following knee problems and injuries can seem complex, but the truth is that there are many home remedies that can help to banish aches and pains quickly and effectively. Home treatments are a great way to care for sprains, painful muscles, twisted joints, and more, without having to track down the professional help of a doctor.

Following, we'll cover just some of the simplest home remedies for knee problems and injuries, and what they can do to assist you in managing a temporary condition.

1.    Get Some Rest

When it comes to stiffness, swelling, and soreness, it's important to recognize that you might need to take some time to rest, recharge, and protect the injured area. Take a break from activities that might aggravate your condition, such as running or jumping, and slow your exercise routine down to something simpler until the injury subsides.

2.    Reduce the Swelling

Ice packs can be a quick and effective way to reduce swelling and pain around joint related knee problems and injuries. Apply a cold pack to minimize swelling throughout the day, and for the first 48 hours after the injury has taken place, try to avoid anything that might worsen inflammation, such as hot baths, showers, or alcoholic beverages. If the pain has gone after 72 hours, you should be able to start applying small amounts of heat and begin gentle exercises to maintain joint flexibility.

3.    Use Compression

Knee compression bandages are a must-have when it comes to recovering from knee problems and injuries. These garments will help to reduce swelling while improving circulation in the damaged area. Just make sure that you don't wrap your knee too tightly, or choose a compression sleeve that's too small, as this could lead to more pain, and swelling. Signs that your compression sleeve may be too tight include tingling, numbness, swelling below the bandage, or increased pain.

4.    Elevate the Injury (and don't Smoke)

Knee problems and injuries can often be eased if you elevate the sore area on pillows any time you are lying or sitting down. Try to keep the affected area at the same level as, or above your heart to help maximize the circulation and minimize swelling. At the same time, be careful to avoid smoking during the time when you're healing, as smoking decreases the blood supply, delaying tissue repair.

5.    Massage and Exercise

Gently rub or massage the area that is in pain to encourage blood flow and help to relieve some soreness or stiffness. However, make sure that you don't massage the problem points if that causes you pain. At the same time, you might be able to try a few exercises such as knee-to-chest exercises and hamstring stretches to help you maintain flexibility.

6.    Call a Doctor

Speak to your doctor following the injury to ensure you don't do anything that might make the situation worse. Your doctor will be able to advise you whether you should be exercising, keeping weight off your knee, or coming into the practice for a more in-depth examination.

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